Asset MGMT Project |
Energy & Power,
Other Licenses,
Madhya Pradesh
2025-01-29 17:53 |
Aspirational Districts_Barwani |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all – \"Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas\". |
2019-02-27 16:57 |
Aspirational Districts_Chhatarpur |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all –Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas. |
2019-02-28 15:55 |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all –"Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas". |
2021-04-08 03:42 |
Aspirational Districts_Chitrakoot |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all –Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas. |
2019-02-28 15:59 |
Aspirational Districts_Damoh |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all –Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas. |
2019-02-28 16:33 |
Aspirational Districts_Guna |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all –\"Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas\". |
2019-03-01 12:03 |
Aspirational Districts_Khandwa |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all – "Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas". |
2019-03-05 11:37 |
Aspirational Districts_Rajgarh |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all – "Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas". |
2019-03-05 15:31 |
Aspirational Districts_Singrauli |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all – \"Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas\". |
2019-03-05 17:43 |
Aspirational Districts_Vidisha |
It aims to quickly and effectively transform this district by raising the living standard of its citizens and ensuring inclusive growth for all – "Sabka Saath Sabka Vikas". |
2019-03-05 18:16 |
MP PARICHAI (Aadhaar Authentication AUA) |
The MP PARICHAI is working as project under Madhya Pradesh State Electronics Development Corporation (MPSEDC) Limited, which is a government of Madhya Pradesh undertaking under Department of Science and Technology. MPSEDC is aadhaar authentication agency (AUA), and provides aadhar authentication services to various departments of government of Madhya Pradesh in MP PARICHAI project. |
2019-04-11 10:54 |
MP State PM Poshan Shakti Nirman Portal |
The Mid Day Meal scheme was introduced for providing cooked meals to all children studying in classes 1st to 8th in Government and Aided schools. The scheme aims to enhance enrolment, retention and attendance of the children enrolled in Government, Government-Aided Schools and Madrasas, while simultaneously improving nutritional levels among children.
Considering the large number of beneficiaries and vide array of stakeholders in the implementation at grass-root level such as the involvement of SHGs, NGOs and the Cooks-Cum-Helpers, the Government of Madhya Pradesh has set-up MP State Mid Day Meal Council as a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) to undertake focused and effective implementation MDM Scheme in State. The Council functions under Rural Development Department of the Government of Madhya Pradesh. The Council manpower functions under the Office of Zilla Panchayat at district level and undertakes the required functions.
Key stakeholders and operations in the implementation of the scheme
• Over 1,12,000 schools
• 2.1 lakh Cooks-cum-Helpers and each cook is paid an honorarium every month for 10 months barring summer holidays.
• 1.12 lakh cooking agencies and each agency is paid cooking cost every month for 10 months barring summer holidays.
• e-Release Orders for supply of food grains 91,000 metric tons / Year
• Fund flow and online financial transactions of ~ Rs. 1,200 crores / Year |
2023-01-06 13:04 |
Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme |
2019-01-28 15:59 |
MPLADS_Mobile App for MPs-DAs |
Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme |
2019-03-27 14:56 |
MpTruamaCareAngular |
Angular project of MP Truama Care |
2024-08-05 11:01 |