Adaptive Descriptive Echo Emmitence |
ADEE an open source Security framework for Applications |
Communications & Information Technology,
Science, Technology & Research,
Apache License V2.0,
GNU General Public License version 3.0,
MIT License,
OS Independent,
2017-06-05 18:09 |
Apaar Rupay card |
Apaar Rupay card |
2024-05-16 15:37 |
Buyer-Seller CS Charbot |
Buyer-Seller CS Charbot |
2024-07-04 22:19 |
Catering Data Capture |
This Project is being created on the purpose of gathering Data of various Food/function/wedding/birthday catering companies and how they are purchasing their food items. and will be used for Data science and Analytical reports. |
2022-01-07 18:02 |
Central Fooodgrains Procurement Portal |
2024-02-07 18:18 |
Climate Analytics with Apache Spark |
Use Apache Spark (Big Data) to run analytics on climate data. |
2017-03-13 00:51 |
CollabForms- Web Form Creation Tool |
This project provides a tool to create the basic template of application form with user defined validation and to save the form template for reuse. |
2022-10-19 14:35 |
Commissionerate of Land Administration |
2019-09-03 14:03 |
CustomizedComputer(ERP)PTCUL |
2022-05-13 12:11 |
Data Analytics |
Data Analytics Project for MapIT |
2019-04-09 13:20 |
Demo_ReportG |
Report Generator using Python |
2025-01-29 18:08 |
DigiLocker Autmation Testing |
DigiLocker Automation Testing - web |
2019-04-09 17:28 |
DigiLocker Development Community |
To engage community in development of DigiLocker project. |
2020-01-15 14:28 |
DigiLocker IDS |
DigiLocker IDSS |
2022-07-27 09:52 |
DigiLocker Pull Model ASP.NET ToolKIt |
This tool kit is used for integration of DigiLocker Application with other application. It is in .NET platform. If anyone wants to integrate with using PULL model, can reuse it. |
2016-07-15 14:31 |
Digital Eye Care Delivery System |
DigiDrishti is a digital eye care delivery system consist of mobile applications for citizen and vision guardian and web based teleophthalmology system for optometrist and ophthalmologist. |
2021-11-17 12:23 |
Disaster Management System |
An IT application to monitor and manage disaster management related activities. |
2022-09-02 12:30 |
District GeoPortal, GoM |
District GIS Portal, Government of MP |
2019-04-09 13:09 |
District Grievance |
Grievance Redressal -District Administration |
2021-01-30 16:03 |
District Monitoring App |
A project for monitoring various parameters by district administration like the daily rainfall, progress in implementation of various schemes, etc. |
2021-02-22 13:03 |