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Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
ogdhacknational_ONLINE249 E-Vidhya combines Digitization in India with 74.04% of literates through “Volunteering”. The application has three user levels, mentor, volunteer and students. The mission of this application to establish 100% of literacy in India. Educated people will be involved in sharing their knowledge to underprivileged citizens without any barriers of age, religion, and geographical locations.
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2018-04-04 17:19
2010_data All Data corresponding to 2010
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2024-02-01 15:44
A Trial Project A trial of Openforge Functionality
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2023-11-30 11:59
AAINA - MoHUA Product Management of AAINA-Dashboard for Cities
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2023-12-08 12:12
ABC asdasd ABC NIC Network
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2023-08-16 15:31
abc gaurav-git-project
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2024-07-25 14:28
Abhivyakti For women safety
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2023-03-27 15:53
Abhivyakti Women safety app for state citizen
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2023-11-30 18:35
activity tracker tracker of activty
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2022-09-15 14:17
Acts_OLE testing openforge
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2023-10-12 12:38
Adaptive Cyber Defence Framework NCIIPC, IIT-Bombay and M/s Persistent Systems Pvt Ltd are jointly creating an adaptive cyber defence framework and solution for critical sector organisations 2020-08-22 19:19
Adaptive Descriptive Echo Emmitence ADEE an open source Security framework for Applications 2017-06-05 18:09
Adya There is an entrepreneurial surge amongst women entrepreneurs during this pandemic and women entrepreneurs are coming forward in India but they definitely need mentoring support from experts to sustain the business. Here is where Adya plays an important role to handhold entrepreneurs in every stage of their business. Adya is an initiative to promote and support aspiring as well as established rural women entrepreneurs. Adya enables partnerships between Rural women and existing ventures. Our services would be dependent on a tie-up with self-help groups, non-governmental organizations, already-existing businesses, banks, and government agencies. Customers will need an electronic device (a phone would suffice) and a decent internet connection to use the website. The venture also aims at building a bridge between manufacturers (of handicrafts) and the consumers. There is a vast market for the products both on national as well as global level. A supply chain will have to be established and the whole process needs to be simplified. This can be done easily with the help of technology. We offer all the services at a single place, so the customers (rural women) do not have to seek support of any other organization.
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2022-04-06 15:19
Aglie Demo Test project
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2023-01-12 16:13
Agni Kavach Agni kavach
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2021-09-17 11:55
agri license This is agricuture licensing project.
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2023-10-20 13:48
Agri Web API Agri Poral WEB API
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2017-11-28 15:27
AgriCen AgriCens-2021-22
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2023-02-13 09:44
Agridash Agriculture management dashboard with IOT
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2024-09-06 22:09
AgriPortal Agriculture Portal for State Jharkhand 2017-11-24 15:35
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