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miniU mini-U will be a tool that transforms a URL into a short URL. This tool will shorten your long URL into a more shareable URL that can direct to the web pages represented by your URL.
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2024-09-12 16:38
Mobile Apps Developments For Demo of mobile apps 2022-05-27 15:50
MoHUA CDAC AFC System for Transit 1. AFC system for Metro operator with NCMC and QR ticketing support a. Gate Validator L3 & Transit application. b. Server-side applications which interact with Gate Validator and the QR ticket generator. c. Web application for Equipment management, Complaint management, Transaction management, Remote Configuration management, Device health monitoring, Dashboard and Reporting. 2. Centralized AFC system for Bus operator with NCMC, QR and Cash ticketing support a. ETIM (Electronic Ticket Issuance Machine) L3 & Transit application. b. Server-side applications which interact with ETIM, Acquirer and the QR ticket generator. c. Depot web application for Equipment management, Waybill management, Cash Collection & Reconciliation, Transaction management and Reporting. 3. Fully integrated QR Ticketing Issuance System for Metro & Bus operator a. Mobile application to buy mobile QR tickets with PTO AFC integration. b. TOM application to buy paper QR tickets for same day journey with PTO AFC integration. c. Server-side application for issuance of QR tickets. 2023-07-09 22:13
MongoDB MongoDB complete
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2022-06-29 15:56
MPLADS The Members of Parliament Local Area Development Division is entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of Members of Parliament Local Area Development Scheme (MPLADS). Under the scheme, each MP has the choice to suggest to the District Collector for works to the tune of Rs.5 Crores per annum to be taken up in his/her constituency.
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2018-10-15 17:19
Naive Engineers Private limited Problem statement : 5
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2024-07-03 11:51
NashaMuktBharatAbhiyaan NashaMuktBharatAbhiyaan
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2021-10-21 11:32
NCVET Portals Contains the source code of NCVET and NQR portals
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2023-11-15 15:38
NGO Darpan 2.0 NITI Aayog has embarked upon an ambitious journey of modernizing and upgrading NGO Darpan portal. As per government guidelines, NGOs/ CSOs/ VOs are required to go for mandatory registrations on NGO Darpan portal. NGOs to generate unique ID in case they intend to avail funds under the Central Sector Schemes and/or Centrally Sponsored Schemes of the Government of India. Further, State Governments are also in the process of issuing of directions for registration of all NGOs on NGO Darpan portal. States like Karnataka, Kerala, Goa & Meghalaya have mandated NGOs to obtain unique ID from Darpan Portal for availing state grants.
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2023-11-28 13:12
nhp-2017 NHP portal
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2024-05-21 16:31
NIC Forms NIC Forms
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2024-08-02 13:03
NIC_DevOps DevOps Testing Project1
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2023-10-09 12:56
nihfw-dlc nihfw-dlc
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2024-05-21 16:34
nihfw-recruitment nihfw-recruitment
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2024-05-21 16:34
nihfw-website nihfw-website
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2024-05-21 16:33
NKStatus_Public NKStatus_Public 2022-12-21 13:20
NTA Demo App NTA Demo App
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2019-11-28 14:06
OCI Sheets OCI Sheets
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2024-02-13 11:30
office management its mange the government office.
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2019-10-10 17:01
ogdhack-bbstest01 hotel management test
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2017-10-28 12:07
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