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Operating System

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
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2017-10-28 17:57
ogdhackbbsr-bbs144 Mobile Application for people to fetch, submit or raise data and concern for Govt. or Public services and utilities.
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2017-10-28 18:07
ogdhackbbsr-bbs145 Mobile app (GIS based) to find out Universities, Colleges, Standalone Institutions and related information i.e. Course Offered, Infrastructure etc.
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2017-10-28 17:52
ogdhackbbsr-bbs160 To guide the student to choose the correct stream and their respective information..
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2017-10-28 17:55
ogdhackbbsr-bbs186 To enhance education
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2017-10-28 18:04
ogdhackbbsr-bbs190 To make people aware of the criminal activities in India. 2017-10-28 18:01
ogdhackbbsr-bbs197 the basic idea behind this project is to detect crime and accidental areas which will rescue them
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2017-10-28 18:52
ogdhackbbsr-bbs204 Analysis of Education domain data to determine correlation between each of the indicator of education sector and its impact on the learning trajectory of a student . 2017-10-28 21:18
ogdhackbbsr-bbs205 Providing safe water to different parts of the country
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2017-10-28 21:03
ogdhackbbsr-bbs211 This is an Android based application to track nearby blood bank depeding on the blood group user want.
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2017-10-28 21:07
ogdhackbbsr-bbs214 d 2017-10-28 20:59
ogdhackbbsr-bbs219 Blood Bank Tracker
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2017-10-28 20:53
ogdhackbbsr-bbs220 ogdhackbbsr-bbs220
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2017-10-28 22:53
ogdhackbbsr-bbs224 Using dataset to plot graph. 2017-10-28 21:19
ogdhackbbsr-bbs225 This is web dashboard application which will show the visualization of some Health Indicators of a different time period, source etc. 2017-10-28 21:23
ogdhackbbsr-bbs226 Project on women safety.
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2017-10-28 21:20
ogdhackbbsr-bbs228 E Care focuses on crime,transport and Ambulance fastening and booking services. It has a two way inbuilt process in which the police and public both will be a helping hand to each other.
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2017-10-28 21:26
ogdhackbbsr-bbs229 Statistical overview of major health issues in India.
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2017-10-28 20:54
ogdhackbbsr-bbs230 sgugs
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2017-10-28 21:27
ogdhackbbsr-bbs231 Infographics related to crime against women
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2017-10-28 18:01
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