Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
File Tracking Management System File Tracking Management System 2019-11-08 10:51
File Tracking System Inter-Department File Tracking System 2017-01-09 15:56
File Upload upload and download file from server 2017-07-17 10:15
Fluxday Fluxday is an opensource task & productivity management application ideal for fast growing startups and small companies. 2016-07-25 17:00
Flyover-RoadReady Our hack is to give a simple Flyover Case Management system. This is to enable better governance for the Ministry of Roadways. 2017-04-01 12:50
For Data Analytics Platform using Docker A docker image containing a minimum of one DBMS server and a Business Intelligence platform for analysis of data stored in the DBMS. 2018-11-20 07:32
FTS WEB 2.0 Development of File Tracking System Web 2.0 Using CodeIgnitor Framwork + PHP + MySql 2023-10-23 11:17
FUEL Project Standardization of terminologies used for localization of various softwares 2016-07-21 13:41
GCC/WeMatch Protection of GPS signal using nature-inspired algorithms 2017-11-10 16:59
GCCS-TheNomads A single login portal for user and government to report and profile incident management 2017-11-11 12:26
GCCS_Chennai_T1_P6_ Cyber Risks to Child A child Monitoring Tool for proactively finding online threats and guiding the child. 2017-11-12 23:30
GCCS_CoE@VJTI_IITB_P1 With the help of GNU Radio and Hack-RF, Signal of 1176.454 MHz (L5 band) frequency with high intensity can be transmitted to IRNSS receiver so that it will accept only fake signal of hack-rf instead of original signal. 2017-11-07 15:15
GCCS_CyGuard_IITB_P2 Real Time Intrusion Detection System for Critical Infrastructure 2017-11-07 10:51
GCCS_darkodes Robust web portal for online child bullying 2017-11-11 17:20
GCCS_Delhi_T1_P03 Project for IOT based Emergency Response Service. 2017-11-15 16:55
GCCS_Delhi_T1_P03 The main goal of this project is to design a robotic vehicle which detects the metal around it such as weapons and send an SMS to the Server . It also detect the motion and click the pic at that moment and send it to the server. 2017-11-15 18:33
GCCS_Delhi_T1_P12MobileSecurity Mobile phones have become an indispensable part our daily lives. Almost everyone owns a mobile phone. Thus there is an increase in use of android operating system .The users who are using this smart phones will be able to carry out their daily work such as paying bills, data sharing and news and many more. These applications will ask the users to allow certain permissions during installation and in turn will access to certain sensitive information such credit card details, logs of calls and location. Many users are unaware of this risk. The app that is installed is although from a genuine source and not a malware this is concerned about the security and privacy of the user. So, we will design a prototype that will analyze the risk related to android-based mobile application and will provide a risk score by considering several features into account. 2017-11-12 22:55
GCCS_Encipher_IITB_P3 The C37.118 protocol channel is secured by implementing a new encrypted (SHA256, AES, RSA) layer between the channel. Client Server communication is used for send the encrypted data over the channel 2017-11-07 11:31
GCCS_HoneyPotters_IITB_P8 The project aims at learning the attack vector patterns of the botnets and hackers to secure the critical infrastructure. 2017-11-07 11:08
GCCS_PATNA_T1_P11 Our goal is to make a “Common Central Platform” for posting all the Digital payment issues of the citizens in an automated way (also provision for un-automated means) and providing them their solutions by a team of web-workers chosen by Indian Govt. Our team has made a website prototype that will register the user and provide them the userID. The user will have to select a category of the payment-issue and describe the problem. The admin(i.e. team of workers) will provide the solution w.r.t. the problemID along with the necessary contact details of the related authority. If the user wants to search for the history of solutions then he/she can fetch the whole table consisting of solutions of that problem category. 2017-11-12 16:44
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