Public projects map

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Operating System

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
GovTalk-iOS GovTalk_iOS 2020-04-16 10:12
GPF Application GPF Application
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2023-08-16 15:23
GramPanchayatMobile GramPanchayatMobile
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2022-08-01 15:33
GrandChallengeDummy Testing for GC Dummy
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2020-01-13 15:16
grango this is one of our client project
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2018-03-10 00:26
Graph Databases NCIIPC internship project Samiksha Satokar 2021-06-04 20:40
GraphicalPasswords-for-Shoulder-Surfing The major issue in using conventional passwords is Shoulder Surfing.In order to reduce the impact of Shoulder Surfing, we a team of three worked out two different ways of using graphical passwords.Using these two ways one can prevent Shoulder Surfing to a greater extent.
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2020-08-27 11:17
GraphSheet Testing the platform
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2020-09-03 13:25
grproject gr project
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2024-03-13 16:15
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2023-01-05 15:13
GSTPrimeJasperNewsLetter GSTPrimeJasperNewsLetter
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2022-01-24 10:36
GSTPrimeSelDataPull GSTPrimeSelDataPull
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2020-09-02 12:24
GSTPrime_Selenium Python project for testing GST Prime using Selenium
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2020-05-19 17:46
Gujarat Gujarat
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2022-11-01 14:52
Gujarat Election Project is about Polling Booths mapping in GIS. 2019-10-11 16:21
Gujarat Industrial Development System Gujarat Industrial Development System
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2019-11-15 11:31
Gujarat Land Bank(Indextb) 2019-10-18 15:15
GujaratElection GujaratElection 2019-10-16 18:01
GujaratStateWarehousingCorporation GujaratStateWarehousingCorporation
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2023-10-27 10:45
Gujarat_Police Station Mapping This project aims at mapping the location of police stations across the state of Gujarat. 2019-04-03 10:15
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