Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
Discussion Forum Discussion Forum is platform for KS Expert and users.
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2022-03-29 17:48
Disp Disp
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2023-08-08 14:49
DisplayBoardHCK DisplayBoardHCK
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2023-08-08 14:29
disposal_email Judge Email
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2024-07-27 13:03
Distapi Distapi
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2023-08-11 14:56
District Monitoring App A project for monitoring various parameters by district administration like the daily rainfall, progress in implementation of various schemes, etc. 2021-02-22 13:03
DistrictBlockLevelPlanningApplication DistrictBlockLevelPlanningApplication
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2022-09-07 11:05
Districtcourt(103) Districtcourt(103)
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2023-08-04 13:54
districtcourt(backup) districtcourt(backup)
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2023-08-16 12:26
DIT Applications Web Application developed by Ranadhir Debnath
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2023-05-26 13:39
DIT Tripura DIT related projects 2022-03-07 16:47
DIW2022 The Digital India Programme was launched on July 1, 2015 by the Hon’ble Prime Minister of India with a vision to transform the country into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy. India’s story of digital transformation is a story of Digital Innovation, Implementation and Inclusion. India has pioneered innovative digital projects, implemented transformational projects at populations scale, and the benefits of various services and initiatives have percolated to the common man living in the rural hinterland, ensuring digital inclusion. The positive impact of this tremendous journey is being felt in all aspects, in the lives of Indian citizens, which is ensuring digital access, digital delivery of services and digital inclusion of all, based on technology that is sustainable, affordable and transformative. Today India boasts of the world’s 3rd highest number of Startups with new unicorns sprouting almost every week. During the pandemic, Digital India has played a significant role in the nation’s resilient response. Digital technologies have enabled the Government to reach the remote parts of the country at the click of a button. Post the pandemic, India has emerged as the preeminent nation in the use of technology for a resilient economy and governance. 2022-08-05 13:11
DLA Website This project contains the code of Digital Locker Authority website.
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2016-12-29 13:56
DND 2.0 DND 2.0 The new release (built ground up) has the following additional features: • An intelligent spam detection engine (for SMS only) to assist the subscriber in reporting • Crowdsourcing of data about offending messages and calls to speed up detection of unregistered telemarketers • Updates about action taken on complaints within the App
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2017-07-26 12:39
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2022-09-14 10:45
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2024-04-22 19:04
Doc-On-Door this is helpful for users specially for rural areas where medical facilities are not properly available. we want to connect all doctors and patients or users on a single platform. where they can put their queries and these queries solve by the doctor. and this app also have many more functionalities
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2017-10-03 16:52
DocchainPreproduction Document chain API code in Preproduction
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2023-12-13 11:13
Document Management Service Document Management Service
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2022-11-07 15:22
Document Repository Repo for storing project vise documents
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2023-11-28 18:14
640659 of 2715