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Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
Planning Dept Arunachal Web application that enable line departments to submit schemes to Planning Department
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2019-09-13 10:15
Planning Website Development of GIGW based Webste 2019-08-05 13:16
PM SVANidhi This is a Central Sector Scheme to facilitate street vendors to access affordable working capital loan for resuming their livelihoods activities, after easing of lockdown.
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2024-05-03 10:07
PM-SURAJ Pradhan Mantri Samajik Utthan evam Rozgar Adharit Jankalyan (PM-SURAJ)
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2024-06-20 11:53
PMSMA Call records
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2024-09-09 15:36
PMSMA-CRM PMSMA CRM for call agent
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2024-05-17 14:48
pocketdefencer making instance help.location will be goes to nearest police station.F.I.R can be Emergency alarm ,Ambulance
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2017-09-23 21:23
Police police division
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2024-08-22 15:03
portal_backend Portal Backend
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2024-05-14 11:03
Poshan Tracker The Poshan Tracker is a job-aid to the Anganwadi worker for efficient delivery of services along with reflection of their efforts.
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2022-08-22 17:40
Postal Postal
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2023-08-04 13:31
Pradeep Kinger DIWebsite
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2021-12-03 14:37
Prashant_agile-demo This is for testing purpose only
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2023-01-12 16:21
Pratibimb App Flutter pratibimb-app-flutter
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2023-08-14 18:48
Pre-Employment Background Checks Employee has to under go the background check every time employee joins the new compnay. This background cost has to bear by the company for every employee joins to compnay. So we created new application to minimise this process and cost.
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2023-05-05 15:51
Predictive analysis using ML Forecasting and prediction using machine learning algorithms using Python.
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2020-01-29 11:03
Prepare Monitor Respond The web-based dashboard targets to provide a holistic view of disaster risks as well as the resilience of the city. The project as well as the tool aim to integrate the indicators of risk and resilience spatially to arrive at a final correlated score. The spatiality of the product adds to its value as it lets the user take a closer look at each unit within the city not only to pre-position the city’s emergency response but also to be able to identify the short-term and long-term interventions required to be taken in order to minimise the adverse impacts of the disaster. 2022-03-03 22:14
preproduction API preproduction
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2024-09-19 16:16
Preserve - Green cover mapping The project aims to build an interactive digital tool to help in creating resilient and greener cities by enabling planned green cover improvement and processes to maintain the green spaces around us through citizen and community participation. With the proposed solution, the vision of the project is to streamline data for evidence-based decision-making to create sustainable smart cities.
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2021-11-22 12:59
Preventive Detention Portal Preventive Detention Portal
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2024-07-29 11:54
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