Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
Skill tracking Skill tracking
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2022-05-12 13:20
SKPN Nidhi U.P Purv Sainik Kalyan Nidhi
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2024-04-02 13:36
Smart Attendance Mobile smart attendance mobile application
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2023-04-12 15:08
Smart Cities Wheel Planning smart cities using AI
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2017-04-01 11:27
Smart Education Application Mission of E-Vidhya is to provide 100% Literacy and Skill Development in India. E-Vidhya is a Technology driven platform inspired from the revolutionary movement of Kerala state towards achieving highest literacy rate through“ Saksharatha Mission”, at 1991. 2018-04-03 13:32
Smart GPS Vehicle tracking app
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2019-03-07 16:33
smart parking Automatic parking slot
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2017-10-07 10:49
Smart Vehicle Tracking Assam Police hackathon 2020-09-16 23:06
Smart vidya Smart vidya learning App is an application created for the aim to make education available for all. Young students, working professionals and any one else who are willing to share knowledge can take part of this mission.
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2017-11-26 12:32
SMART VISION STICK Blind people also face many problems in moving from one place to another place. So we are implementing GPS in the smart stick which will help them in travelling with recorded voice orders as well as he no need to type any thing. The navigation is required with appropriate safety, so we are also introducing GSM, so that they can contact the family member in case of any type of emergency by simply pressing one button (SoS)which will send the SoS message and the location as well. 2017-11-08 17:31
SmartSeachEngine It is search engine which produce the instant answer for your query.
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2017-11-20 16:52
SMS Dashboard SMS Dashboard
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2024-09-27 13:20
SMS Module SMS Module
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2023-08-04 13:45
Sms service Sms service
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2023-08-10 13:44
Social Benefits Management System(SBMS) Social Benefits Management System 2018-12-21 14:42
Social Media The main function of this project is to monitor and follow up the social media posts of DigiLocker and NAD/ABC 2023-11-30 11:33
software inventory package discovery
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2017-10-06 14:45
Soil Agriculture India Soil Agriculture India 2019-01-30 12:14
Soil Health Card Soil Health Card 2018-03-23 15:02
Soil Information System Soil Information System 2018-03-23 15:01
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