Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
NTA Demo App NTA Demo App
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2019-11-28 14:06
NU Mobile App candidate V1 Mobile App for candidate with all fields
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2022-05-24 20:00
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2019-03-08 13:55
OAIC-Accounting System OAIC-Accounting System is developed by NIC Odisha State Center is an accounting system for OAIC. 2020-10-06 13:13
OCI Sheets OCI Sheets
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2024-02-13 11:30
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2023-05-21 23:20
odct odct 2022-05-18 13:55
ODCT_Web Open Data Collection Toolkit
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2022-12-12 16:47
odghackbbsr-bbs177 Its All About Standard Course Curriculum Design 2017-10-28 17:54
odghackHYD_98 Non-availability of blood is the major cause of death. Our proposed system is direct access to Donor within time through an Android Application.
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2017-10-20 14:40
odghackonline-online_093 App to predict risk of student dropping out of school by class 5 using machine learning. 2017-11-25 21:53
odghacksurat-suro095 It is android app called Garbo where user can click picture of garbage are and send it to SMC uses dataset of dustbin . 1.Open Dataset- Dustbin 2.Api- clarifia.
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2017-09-23 16:43
office management its mange the government office.
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2019-10-10 17:01
Office Manager To mark attendance of employees and manage task given vs completion.
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2020-08-27 17:34
ogdbhubaneswar-BBS_103 Digital solutions to evaluate the pollution and pressure on wetlands and water bodies and its conservation.
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2017-10-14 23:56
ogdhack-bbstest01 hotel management test
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2017-10-28 12:07
ogdhack-hyd163 ogdhack-hyd163
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2017-11-04 14:30
ogdhack-HYD_192 ogdhack-HYD_192
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2017-11-04 16:38
ogdhack-HYD_200 ogdhack-HYD_200
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2017-11-04 12:57
ogdhack-HYD_220 ogdhack-HYD220
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2017-11-04 12:54
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