Public projects map

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Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
Soil Information System Soil Information System 2018-03-23 15:01
Base Map BaseMap System 2018-03-23 15:27
DIC SOCIAL MEDIA Social media related task
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2023-12-21 16:59 App Store App Store is dedicated to Indian Government apps and critical private mobile apps.
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2024-04-05 17:25
Lok Sabha This is lok sabha project
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2023-10-17 14:51
National Textile Corporation LTD National Textile Corporation LTD 2018-05-08 12:47
Panchayat Development PRD
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2022-11-29 15:27
SafeTogether SafeTogether
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2020-03-21 16:18
vConsol India Innovation Challenge Development of video conferencing product as a part of the Innovation Challenge
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2020-07-11 20:18
Water Resource WR
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2018-02-21 18:03
IISAndroidApp IISAndroidApp
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2020-09-11 14:44
Integration All Integration wrappers pertaining to DigiLocker, API Setu, NAD and UMANG
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2023-09-11 13:33
Saransh CBSE Comprehensive Self Review for Schools and Parents 2023-08-21 10:37
Supportive Supervision App Supportive Supervision App
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2023-09-06 18:07
AAMS- Kisan Sarathi 2.0 The Agriculture Advisory Management System (AAMS) is an online platform designed for the creation, submission, verification, and publication of location and season-specific agricultural technologies.
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2024-06-05 16:16
AmritSarovarApp AmritSarovarApp
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2022-06-17 10:36
AmritSarovarUP AmritSarovarUP
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2023-11-21 17:05
AmrutSarovarSiteAnalysis AmrutSarovarSiteAnalysis
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2023-05-15 10:55
Appointment System Appointments committee of the cabinet
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2017-11-15 11:55
Bharat Mandapam Bharat Mandapam project
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2023-12-01 16:21
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