Public projects map

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Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
ogdbhubaneswar-BBS_103 Digital solutions to evaluate the pollution and pressure on wetlands and water bodies and its conservation.
Not categorized
2017-10-14 23:56
ogdhack-bbstest01 hotel management test
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2017-10-28 12:07
ogdhack-hyd163 ogdhack-hyd163
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2017-11-04 14:30
ogdhack-HYD_192 ogdhack-HYD_192
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2017-11-04 16:38
ogdhack-HYD_200 ogdhack-HYD_200
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2017-11-04 12:57
ogdhack-HYD_220 ogdhack-HYD220
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2017-11-04 12:54
ogdhack-HYD_272 Android location detection (ambulance)
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2017-11-04 12:39
ogdhack-patna-pat009 Standard Course Curriculum Design for all the Universities across India
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2017-10-08 23:34
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2017-10-02 01:03
ogdhackathonpatna-pat080 Choose best suitable hospital for you 2017-10-14 16:07
ogdhackbbsr-230 public transport and parking issues
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2017-10-28 21:19
ogdhackbbsr-bbs001 Provide an interface between the doctor and the patient,making the keeping track of one's health easier.
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2017-10-28 16:53
ogdhackbbsr-bbs004 women & child safety
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2017-10-28 16:51
ogdhackbbsr-bbs008 ogdhackbbsr-bbs008
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2017-10-28 23:18
ogdhackbbsr-bbs011 health manangement and blood bank donar management system
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2017-10-28 16:46
ogdhackbbsr-bbs012 test
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2017-10-28 16:55
ogdhackbbsr-bbs025 digitizing the enrollment and dropout at the school level , and generating reports for the data analysis
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2017-10-28 16:46
ogdhackbbsr-bbs028 adsfhnmk
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2017-10-28 16:49
ogdhackbbsr-bbs033 To provide students and institutes(esteemed or not) equal opportunity and relevant pathway to be followed.
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2017-10-28 16:47
ogdhackbbsr-bbs034 This project focuses on providing a single digitalize platform for Uttarakhand Transportation .
Not categorized
2017-10-28 16:46
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