Public projects map

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Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
My Open Forge Project Workshop on Open Forge.
Not categorized
2019-09-23 13:05
My Project My Project
Not categorized
2022-12-01 09:39
My Project 001 My Peoject
Not categorized
2024-06-13 15:27
My Project 002 My Project 002
Not categorized
2024-06-13 15:42
My Project 003 My Project 003
Not categorized
2024-06-13 15:42
my test project test
Not categorized
2023-10-09 12:56
MyBharat MyBharat 2023-01-03 17:44
MyBharat Accounts MyBharat Accounts Services
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2023-11-30 12:03
MyCall App People face a lot of issues due to low voice call quality and inability to express their opinion on a centralized platform. MyCall app provides a platform to all telecom subscribers in India to Croudsource their opinion through feedback rating process.
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2017-07-25 20:56
MyCall_ios TRAI MyCall Application will help Mobile phone users to rate their experience about voice call quality in real time and help TRAI gather customer experience data along with Network data.
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2017-08-08 11:32
MyDailyActivity My Daily Activity
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2023-02-05 22:01
MyDevOpsProject DevOps Project Kochi CEM
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2023-10-09 12:49
MyFirstProject It is a Test sample Only.
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2023-10-09 12:47
MyFlutterApp My First Flutter App
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2024-05-16 14:38
mykanban-project-deepak-89 for testing
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2023-01-16 10:51
Mynew New updates
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2024-07-04 16:10
mynewproj for testing
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2023-11-22 15:50
MyPlan showing plan BI
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2017-06-23 14:33
myproj23 test
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2023-01-05 15:27
Myproject Myproject is a second project of NIC Andaman
Not categorized
2019-02-13 11:36
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