Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
patientPortal ehospital patientPortal
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2020-05-20 16:07
paynpark paying and pariking
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2017-10-28 17:59
PayOnline PayOnline 2016-04-05 15:38
Pbox Pbox is a proctoring based online examination system developed by nic odisha. 2021-05-07 18:13
PCNCB pcncb
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2023-09-30 11:11
Pdf_and_image_thumbnail creating thumbnail of pdf and jpg from given uri
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2018-06-20 11:42
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2022-05-30 12:30
Peace-a-thon Project submitted for peace-a-thon to provide solution to security problem in IoT
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2017-11-10 19:19
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2020-02-07 13:02
Pending Cases Queries Project for Pending cases
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2023-09-26 15:26
PensionerIdentificationMobApp PensionerIdentificationMobApp
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2023-11-03 12:38
PeopliHealth PeopliHealth is an end-to-end healthcare solution that connects Government and people. The app comes with predictive analytics capabilities and personalized notifications that can aid the Government officials and the public.
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2018-03-30 11:52
Performance Management System A Performance Management System (PMS) is a structured process designed to improve organizational effectiveness through the evaluation and development of employee performance.
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2024-10-17 12:39
Person identification This project use identify person by his current pic and last 5-6 year old pics.
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2017-03-10 20:51
Personal my projects
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2023-01-24 11:38
Personal Information System Personal Information System
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2018-04-10 11:33
Pervasiveness paper
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2017-09-05 13:27
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2024-05-03 12:20
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2024-07-26 10:41
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2024-05-23 10:38
17201739 of 2279