Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
OpenMed Open Source evidence based medicine network, collective medical intelligence, telemedicine and remote medical support.
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2017-09-02 02:54
openSource openSource
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2023-06-16 17:12
openSourceKaios Open source code for Kaios
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2020-06-05 12:00
OpenSpecimen OpenSpecimen is a biobanking/biorepository data management platform used in 60+ biobank across 15 countries.
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2017-03-10 23:57
OpsTracker OpsTracker
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2023-10-09 14:21
Orders(103) Orders(103)
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2023-08-04 13:36
osticket dopt grievance management
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2023-03-20 12:50
OxygenSystem_iOS OxygenSystem
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2021-04-24 21:46
Padma Awards Automation for Padma Awards
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2019-04-10 11:19
PahuchSchoolUPMobileApp PahuchSchoolUPMobileApp 2023-01-06 11:13
Panamax Incident Management we can use this for tracking all the incidents and their resolution for future need
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2024-03-05 15:38
Panamax Incident Management test
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2024-03-15 11:16
Panchayat Development PRD
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2022-11-29 15:27
Parinam_manjhusha CBSE parinam manjhusha
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2024-04-23 12:39
PariveshComplaint Complaint Module
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2023-06-22 11:41
Parivesh_Portal PARIVESH is a web based, role based workflow application which has been developed for online submission and monitoring of the proposals submitted by the proponents for seeking Environment, Forest, Wildlife and CRZ Clearances from Central, State and district level authorities.
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2022-11-16 16:38
Password Manager Implement the following: 1. Database system for internally storing a series of encrypted passwords. Columns should include Domain, Login ID and Password. 2. A simple GTK front-end for accessing this database - needs to have at least the same features as the UI for 4. Browser integrations for common web browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Edge) which autofill these passwords into websites. 3. A facility for exporting and importing these passwords in encrypted binaries
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2022-04-19 07:57
Password Validator Validates password according to flexible and intuitive specification 2017-03-08 11:33
PathAssist Project for tracking PathAssisst Features and Releases
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2024-09-29 20:58
Patient Diagnostics System An application to assist doctors to manage his patient.
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2019-09-24 11:40
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