Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
E-TDR E-TDR project is used to generate new TDR and DRC certificate
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2024-04-05 12:39
e-waste you can sell, purchase solid waste online.
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2020-09-17 22:33
eAnudhaan Test My test Project
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2023-10-09 12:54
eCabinet this project for vidhanshaba question
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2019-04-10 10:50
eCare all about eCARe
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2024-02-28 11:42
ecertifiedcopy ecertifiedcopy
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2023-08-02 12:49
ecertifiedcopy(backup) ecertifiedcopy(backup)
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2023-08-16 12:37
ecertifiedcopyadmin ecertifiedcopyadmin
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2023-08-02 12:59
ECI Main Website ECI Main Website project and task management
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2023-05-23 11:45
Ecom Vendor EcomVendor
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2021-04-16 12:26
economic survey all statistical information
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2019-08-05 15:21
Economic Survey Survey App
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2021-01-28 15:24
EconomicSurvey EconomicSurvey
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2020-11-10 14:18
eCounselling 3.0 eCounselling 3.0
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2024-10-18 13:13
ECS e software
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2022-03-24 16:52
eDashboard e-Governance Dashboard
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2017-03-25 18:34
edistrict edistrict is a Mission Mode Project
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2020-01-29 12:55
eDistrict UP Verify Birth Certificate Java program that sends a request to the eDistrict UP Verify Birth Certificate API to verify the authenticity of birth certificates issued in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. The program creates an HTTP POST request with a JSON payload containing the necessary information, including a transaction ID, certificate format, certificate parameters, and user consent artifact. The program then sends the request to the API, reads the response, and prints it to the console as a string.
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2023-04-15 09:09
EDMS Election Duty Management
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2023-10-09 13:06
EducatingBot-HYD_257 The application is based on education through the practical experience of building a Do It Yourself Robot which is build by us to provide a STEM education to everyone where technical, non-technical and children can program it and play with it gain more IQ and they can build knowledge and interest in building technology in the future for the Nation towards world.
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2017-11-03 00:29
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