Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
Coal Mine Surveillance System Coal Mine Surveillance & Management System 2018-03-23 14:59
CoastalSecurityMobile CoastalSecurityMobile
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2023-10-25 12:02
Cochlear Cochlear MIS
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2023-01-06 13:36
Codebase Cancercops AI to screen preventable cancers
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2024-10-04 14:42
CodeSage Problem Statement: 1
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2024-07-03 19:40
CollabForms- Web Form Creation Tool This project provides a tool to create the basic template of application form with user defined validation and to save the form template for reuse. 2022-10-19 14:35
College Attendance System Looking for development of software for student attendance system @ college to sync data with app enabled platform
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2017-07-15 13:57
commercial taxes division CTD software rep
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2019-09-23 13:04
commercialcourt(website) commercialcourt(website)
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2023-08-10 13:25
commercial_court commercial_court
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2023-08-04 13:19
commercial_court(application) commercial_court(application)
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2023-08-08 15:14
Commissionerate of Land Administration CLA 2019-09-03 14:03
Common Portal The portal team is built for development on common open source platform (like WordPress, headless CMS etc) which will help to take up the enhancement/ upgradation of existing Digital India Corporation/ NeGD common websites. 2023-01-27 11:21
Common Service Center Common Service Center
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2019-10-16 17:30
CommonAPI Common API \'s for various project to be kept in one place
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2019-11-27 15:47
community of power do work for rich
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2024-08-04 16:36
COMPACT Comprehensive Online Monitoring Platform for Appointments Center Management and Talent Search
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2022-06-21 10:54
compact_new ghgfhghgfhgfhg
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2023-01-24 17:55
Complaint Management System Complaint Management System
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2022-08-18 12:54
Compliance Ready WP Theme Government Compliance Ready WordPress theme.
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2018-12-19 20:31
440459 of 2715