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This plugin allows you to add/edit/delete metadata key/value pairs for a given page. You must be logged in as the administrator to do this. The page's metadata contains things like the page hit count, last edit time and so on.

Editing the metadata for the homepage would look like this:

Existing page-level metadata for HomePage:
hits => 579
date => 1012170535
Requires WikiAdmin privileges to edit.

With no arguments the plugin defaults to the current page:

Existing page-level metadata for EditMetaDataPlugin:
id => 81467
pagename => EditMetaDataPlugin
hits => 176
group_id => 1449
version => 1
mtime => 1559793864
minor_edit => 0
content => <b>This plugin allows you to add/edit/delete metadata key/value pairs for a given page. You must be logged in as the administrator to do this. The page's metadata contains things like the page hit count, last edit time and so on.</b> <b>Editing the metadata for the homepage would look like this:</b> ------ <?plugin EditMetaData page="HomePage" ?> ------ <b>With no arguments the plugin defaults to the current page:</b> ------ <?plugin EditMetaData ?> ----- PhpWikiDocumentation WikiPlugin
date => 1088929862
Requires WikiAdmin privileges to edit.

PhpWikiDocumentation WikiPlugin