Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
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2023-10-27 16:13
CPWD Sound Planning and Design, Engineered Construction, Effective Maintenance, Benchmarking the Standards, Capacity Building, Manpower Planning, and Transparency in Management of Works
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2023-10-18 15:41
CPWD Sound Planning and Design, Engineered Construction, Effective Maintenance, Benchmarking the Standards, Capacity Building, Manpower Planning, and Transparency in Management of Works
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2023-10-18 15:48
CP_live_updated_11122023 CP
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2023-12-11 13:41
CRM Next Configuration of CRM for daily operations
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2024-03-01 15:38
CRMRepo crm
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2018-01-16 11:27
Crop Survey App UP 2022 crop details getting from NIC UP and update 'GHATA' records from mobile app for UP. 2022-06-21 10:52
CRUD-APPLICATION The project intended to perform operations CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE on the user database.
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2021-04-10 16:13
Culture National Mission on Cultural Mapping 2018-12-21 14:43
Culture Kinara Culture Kinara is a smart tourist application that will provide tourists as well as locals with a seamless and authentic experience of the city. The application mainly consists of five key sections: Explore, Read, Navigate, Watch & Chat. In addition to this, the application comes with fully loaded features which a tourist may require throughout their trip. The application as used will generate tourist data displayed on a tourism dashboard, which the ULB and concerned departments will have access to. This will provide them with unprecedented tourist detail to enable data-driven decisions in the tourism sector of the city. This product is a minimum viable product to establish a Heritage & Tourism management system in a city.
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2022-09-15 12:46
Culture New The project aims to address the necessity of preserving the threads of rich Indian Art and Cultural Heritage. 2019-08-05 10:29
Custom DB Custom DB created for the eVault application to be developed revamped
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2019-07-30 10:21
Custom PAN Card Reader Custom PAN Card Reader
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2022-07-19 16:02
CustomizedComputer(ERP)PTCUL ERPPTCUL 2022-05-13 12:11
cVIGIL cVIGIL project and task management
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2023-05-23 11:41
CWA CWA is e-commerce portal for CRPF Family Welfare Association.
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2022-06-27 16:45
Cyber Safe Digital Life How To Use Safe Digital Life & How to Investigation Fraud Banking Transaction , Social Site etc.
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2017-11-10 21:22
Cytrain V2.O Cytrain is a gov LMS
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2024-08-21 10:44
D&N Haveli_Silvasa Silvasa (GIS based planning management system) 2019-04-02 15:50
dafrv asdvfe
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2017-10-28 16:39
480499 of 2715