Public projects map

Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
Mynew New updates
Not categorized
2024-07-04 16:10
mynewproj for testing
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2023-11-22 15:50
MyPlan showing plan BI
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2017-06-23 14:33
myproj23 test
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2023-01-05 15:27
Myproject Myproject is a second project of NIC Andaman
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2019-02-13 11:36
MyProject demo project o
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2023-10-12 12:36
myproject2024 new project, project2024, programmer
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2024-05-28 18:34
Myscheme myScheme is a National Platform that aims to offer one-stop search and discovery of the Government schemes. 2022-10-31 17:15
myScheme Banners Ministry of Textiles Banner 2023-05-29 17:57
myScheme Cover Picture Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter 2023-05-29 17:59
myScheme Hero Banner Homepage banner 2023-05-29 18:03
myScheme QR Code Social media QR 2023-05-29 17:58
myScheme-Tech myScheme is a National Platform that aims to offer one-stop search and discovery of the Government schemes.
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2023-11-03 16:31
myscrum-project-deepak-89 for test
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2023-01-16 10:50
MyScrumProject Test Project 2023-09-29 09:38
MySpeed This application allows you to measure your data speed experience and sends the results to TRAI. The application captures and sends coverage, data speed and other network information along with device and location of the tests. The app does not send any personal user information. All results are reported anonymously. 2017-07-26 12:33
MyVehicle Management System MyVehicle is a vehicle management system to intimate details about your vehicle
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2017-03-10 12:53
MY_docs MY_docs
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2024-04-29 14:26
nabi nabi
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2024-09-24 18:07
NadaKacheri Citizen services of Karnataka 2019-07-25 15:22
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