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Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
Samyojane Mobile application for NK5
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2024-09-23 12:26
saneem-testing Testing OpenForge functionalities
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2024-07-16 12:13
Sanitaiton Source locator and educator We are a group of 4 members. Our application is based on the category Sanitation, where we are trying to provide the users with education and knowledge regarding sanitation, providing the source of sanitation disposal & excretion locations which include toilets, garbage bins and education on hygiene and sanitation. We would like to contribute this application from our side to the Swacha Bharat projects.
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2017-10-24 11:55
sanjivani sanjivani
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2021-05-12 20:11
Sankhyikiya Patrika Sankhyikiya Patrika 2019-01-30 14:31
SARAL Maharashtra Education Project
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2023-11-17 15:27
SARAL Document Management System SARAL implementation document management system
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2020-01-29 10:51
Saral Sanchar ITPC Pune Deployment of manpower for development of Saral Sanchar portal phase-II
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2022-02-22 15:59
Saravanan Andaman Tourism
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2019-02-15 15:49
Save A life a portal that will let u fill a common form which will be submitted to the hospital online in case of emergency situations . 2017-09-23 16:43
SBA swachhta abhiyaan app
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2021-08-02 16:50
SBAMobileApp SBAMobileApp
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2023-08-08 11:06
SBMS The objective of Social Benefits Management System is to develop Online Transparent System for loan application & processing with Real time Information availability to all concerned at District, State and Central level with timely updates to the beneficiary .
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2021-11-29 10:52
Scanning & Digitization IGRS department Scanning & Digitization of old Registrar Office
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2023-03-28 10:47
Scanning & Digitization IGRS department Scanning and Digitization of old registrar office
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2023-03-28 10:54
SCAP-NIC Seed Chain Automation project of NIC is a project under development envision to cover complete verticals of seed chain like Nucleus to Breeder Seed Workflow, Seed certification, Seed Licensing, Seed Inventory, block chain implementation. 2019-06-20 17:30
Schema Generation for database Schema Generation for database
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2024-08-28 16:28
Schema Generation I4C database Schema Generation I4C database
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2024-08-28 21:26
SCHEME Scholarship
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2023-10-17 17:08
Scheme Management System Application for Scheme Management
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2019-10-15 15:37
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