Public projects map

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Projects in category

Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
SchoolAttendanceSystemUP school attendance system for school management UP 2022-09-06 11:44
SchoolManagementChhattisgarh SchoolManagementChhattisgarh 2023-03-04 17:11 Chhattisgarh school scholarship project only for developer
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2023-07-11 11:14
ScrumWorkshop vfdmlfc
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2023-10-05 14:06
scrutiny Module paperless OHC scrutiny Module paperless
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2023-07-01 16:57
SDK for DigiLocker The SDK will be used only to call the Authorized Partners APIs of Digi-Locker and hence consume the functionalities of the API 2020-09-28 13:57
Security Application Conrtolling user access
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2022-05-07 20:47
security&fir For filling or requesting FIR,instant help,other verification on way,tracking & scheduling complaint.
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2017-09-23 21:20
SecurityDash -- Peaceathon SecurityDash is a platform where banking app/website developers can go and check various things like popular bugs, security checklist, trending services etc
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2017-11-10 17:58
Seizure Seizure Management System
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2023-05-25 14:28
SeleniumDemo This is a demo project for Selenium.
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2017-05-23 17:36
Self learning This is for my all type demo project
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2022-09-14 09:34
Self-Heal Threat Detection and Healing for Mobile Computing Devices
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2020-07-06 00:05
Senseforth-UMANG BOT UMANG BOT 2021-06-03 15:05
Sericulture CHiPS_GIS
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2023-03-29 11:05
Service Voter Portal Service Voter Portal project and task management
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2023-05-23 11:56
SeventyTwoHrsNKApplication SeventyTwoHrsNKApplication
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2022-05-13 12:48
SGST Reconciliation with RBI, GSTN GST RBI Memorandum of Errors
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2023-10-09 13:02
Shakti This is the Women Safety Application for the Jharkhand State which is only running on the Android Device.
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2016-06-20 16:33
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2022-06-24 12:59
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