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Project name Short description Categories Creation Date
ogdhackpatna-pat45 ogdhackpatna-pat45 2017-10-14 16:56
ogdhackpatna-PAT_009 An application to develop and compare Standard Course Curriculum Design for all the Universities across India. 2017-10-03 18:12
ogdhackpatna-PAT_025 Blood bank is an initiative of the mentioned team with an aim to connect blood donors with blood seekers. 2017-10-14 09:46
ogdhackpatna-PAT_075 App developed for ogdhackpatna by team na\'vi 2017-10-14 13:19
ogdhackpatna-PAT_098 Software tool for evaluating performance of teachers by their corresponding students in order to improve the quality of teaching in school and education system of India. 2017-10-14 14:15
ogdhacksmaa_MAA_001 Automatic Intelligent transportation systems (AITS) have had a wide impact in people’s life as their scope is to improve transportation safety and mobility and to enhance productivity through the use of advanced technologies.
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2017-10-28 22:26
ogdhacksurat-044 An android app to see whole body report and past injuries and disease and also special cases of a patient at the time of emergency and also before taking any operations on patient. 2017-09-23 16:28
ogdhacksurat-<ALCHEMY> Connecting all over Indian students for better practical learning and promoting social gathering of college students 2017-11-26 00:54
ogdhacksurat-<ONLINE_290> Connecting all over Indian students for better practical learning and promoting social gathering of college students 2017-11-26 00:59
ogdhacksurat-Alankar_Muley OGD based App for Listing blood bank , becoming a donor , List blood group of People in contact . 2017-11-18 11:07
ogdhacksurat-BSS_122 Open Government Datahack 2017-10-15 16:47
ogdhacksurat-cunning smart board is an IOT application used to created a way for you to connect and configure Bluetooth control of a light or any AC-powered device in your home using an Arduino as the brain. 2017-11-24 16:09
ogdhacksurat-force Safety and Security button connected with internet and synchronized with CCTV will be attached with electric poles. When anyone in need of help can press the safety/ security button and, it will give the alarm (so, nearby will come for help) and notification with Geo-location to the nearby hospital/ police station. Since, button is connected to internet a detailed analysis can be done in dashboard with mobile app/website. 2017-11-25 09:38
ogdhacksurat-HYD_110 this app provides live bus tracking. 2017-10-21 12:25
ogdhacksurat-HYD_114 Nursing and care provided to the customer in needs for less cost
Not categorized
2017-10-21 12:21
ogdhacksurat-HYD_129 this app is all about giving the information of nearby hospital\\\\\\\'s, clinic\\\\\\\'s and can search for the doctors by their specialization\\\\\\\'s and can know the availability of the doctor in the clinic, Hospital. This app also get Daily tips and New posts by doctors 2017-10-17 15:45
ogdhacksurat-HYD_136 this app is mainly used to protect every one from any crisis. 2017-10-14 17:02
ogdhacksurat-HYD_136 This app is used to protect the people from the crime by saying word called\\\\\\\"HELP\\\\\\\". 2017-10-17 15:50
ogdhacksurat-HYD_137 We are solving the very common issue i.e parking problem in lively areas by organizing the vehicles 2017-10-14 17:03
ogdhacksurat-HYD_162 Bussiness of agricultural products between farmer and buyer with profits. 2017-10-17 23:22
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